Boxing Training in Sydney

The Boxing sessions will definitely be putting you through your paces. Boxing is complex and challenging, yet the workout we provide are sure to meet your fitness goals. We will push you to ensure your heart rate goes up and of course burn fat faster. These workouts are specifically meant to be tough, however, it is the physiological and psychological benefits that will keep you coming for more. The improvement you will see will be something to be proud of! Especially once you have sweated out the pain and pushed through the workout, determined to see the results.


Through regular training, boxing will push your boundaries. The mind and body are constantly switched on during a workout and we can ensure that you will leave the classes feeling more focused and de-stressed after a total-body workout at the gym.

Start as a beginner by joining Boxing Technique session and watch as your level of expertise improves each time you join our workouts.

Boxing Training Benefits

  • Enhanced Cardiovascular Health
  • Enhance Hand-Eye Co-ordination
  • EnhancedBody Composition
  • Self-discipline

    Boxing Training Sydney

    Boxing Training Session in Sydney CBD